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Fort Lauderdale Head On Collision Lawyers Pursuing Justice For Victims

Head-on collisions are some of the most violent and dangerous car crashes. Fatalities are common, and survivors often have a long journey to recovery, filled with surgeries, doctor appointments, and rehabilitation. The bills can quickly become overwhelming. Kurzman Law Group provides compassionate legal representation to accident victims and their families to ensure they receive the full and fair settlements they deserve for their injuries.

What Causes Head-On Collisions?

Due to the horrific damage that can be caused by cars meeting head-on, all roads are carefully designed to keep opposite lanes of traffic separated. Sometimes the separation is as simple as centerlines on the roadway. In other areas, meridians and rumble strips are present to ensure that drivers don’t accidentally drift into oncoming traffic. Newer vehicles can even alert drivers when their car begins to move into another lane.
While head-on collisions are much less common than other crashes, when they do occur, they have devastating consequences. Sadly, the vast majority of head-on accidents are caused by driver negligence. Some of the most common factors leading to head-on collisions include:

What Injuries Can Head-On Collision Victims Suffer?

In contrast to crashes where one vehicle is standing still or moving in the same direction as the car that strikes it, a head-on collision involves magnified forces because both vehicles are moving at speed in opposite directions. This dramatically increases the likelihood that victims will suffer catastrophic or fatal injuries from the accident. Catastrophic injuries are long-lasting and life-changing and often involve the loss of a limb or an essential bodily function. Some of the serious damage inflicted by a head-on collision may include the following:

What Compensation Can You Seek After A Head-On Collision?

Victims of a head-on collision can face long recovery times and may even require life-long treatment and in-home care for their debilitating injuries. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who can accurately value your claim to account for all your current and future losses stemming from your accident is critical. With the assistance of a skilled lawyer from Kurzman Law Group, you can be confident you are seeking full compensation for your damages. Your settlement will be split into two main categories: economic and non-economic damages.

As the name suggests, economic damages reimburse you for financial losses related to your injuries, such as:
Non-economic damages are just as disruptive to your life but can be less obvious. They include intangible losses like:
In some rare cases, the court may award additional punitive damages if they believe the defendant’s actions were intentional or malicious.

What Can An Experienced Lawyer Do For You?

When you hire a skilled head-on collision lawyer from Kurzman Law Group, you can feel confident that your claim is in good hands. We will thoroughly investigate your accident and collect the evidence needed to build a strong case. Our lawyers fiercely protect our client’s rights and ensure they get the full compensation they deserve for their serious injuries. Call 954-406-6464 today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can assist you.

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