Fort Lauderdale Head On Collision Lawyers Pursuing Justice For Victims
Head-on collisions are some of the most violent and dangerous car crashes. Fatalities are common, and survivors often have a long journey to recovery, filled with surgeries, doctor appointments, and rehabilitation. The bills can quickly become overwhelming. Kurzman Law Group provides compassionate legal representation to accident victims and their families to ensure they receive the full and fair settlements they deserve for their injuries.
What Causes Head-On Collisions?
- Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Driving while distracted.
- Failing to account for road and weather conditions.
- Speeding or driving recklessly.
- Negligent passing.
- Encroaching on the opposite lane.
- Falling asleep or having a medical emergency while driving.
- Failing to account for the width of oncoming vehicles.
- Experiencing a mechanical failure, such as loss of brakes or steering.
What Injuries Can Head-On Collision Victims Suffer?
- Lacerations and bruising
- Organ damage and internal bleeding
- Fractured and broken bones
- Sprains, strains, and dislocations
- Dismemberment
- Crush injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Skull and facial damage
- Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
- Widespread burns
- Whiplash
What Compensation Can You Seek After A Head-On Collision?
Victims of a head-on collision can face long recovery times and may even require life-long treatment and in-home care for their debilitating injuries. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who can accurately value your claim to account for all your current and future losses stemming from your accident is critical. With the assistance of a skilled lawyer from Kurzman Law Group, you can be confident you are seeking full compensation for your damages. Your settlement will be split into two main categories: economic and non-economic damages.
- Present and future medical bills, including doctor appointments, hospital expenses, surgeries, rehabilitation, and more.
- Lost wages from the time of the accident until the lawsuit’s conclusion.
- Loss of future earning capacity if you have become disabled due to your injuries.
- Property replacement and repair for your car, belongings and other items damaged or destroyed in the crash.
- Pain and suffering.
- Mental anguish.
- Loss of life’s enjoyment.
- Scarring and disfigurement.
What Can An Experienced Lawyer Do For You?
When you hire a skilled head-on collision lawyer from Kurzman Law Group, you can feel confident that your claim is in good hands. We will thoroughly investigate your accident and collect the evidence needed to build a strong case. Our lawyers fiercely protect our client’s rights and ensure they get the full compensation they deserve for their serious injuries. Call 954-406-6464 today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can assist you.