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Complete Guide to Understanding Personal Injury Claims

Did you know that more than 35 thousand crashes have happened in Fort Lauderdale in the last year itself? As per reports, it has caused more than 20 thousand people to suffer from injuries. People who have been injured in an accident only understand the trauma and loss it comes with.

If you have been injured in an accident, then the best thing you can do is rely on personal injury claims and the legal rights that they bring along with them. But what are these claims? How do you find a personal injury lawyer? All these questions may surely come to mind. With no further delay, here you’ll come to know all the answers to your questions. Keep reading.

What is a Personal Injury Claim? 

A personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale like ours at Kurzman Law Group, is an expert in handling all types of accident claims. But before everything else, check out what a personal injury claim is all about. When any person gets hurt due to someone else’s negligence or fault, the first formal step in pursuing the basic legal right that comes is the personal injury claim.

In this claim, the Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney is consulted, who files a lawsuit to obtain damages compensation from that person, business, or third party. Personal injury claims fall into four categories, which include the following

  • Workplace injury
  • Medical negligence
  • Road accident claim and
  • Public liability claim.

personal injury lawyer fort lauderdale

Steps to Follow After an Accident – Personal Injury Claim

There are a few steps that must be followed, including reaching out to a personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale. At Kurzman Law Group, we offer complete guidance and free consultations for these types of cases. But before you reach out to us, make sure you follow the steps mentioned below immediately after the accident.

Step 1: Seek Medical Attention 

One of the first things that you must do is seek medical attention. It is possible that your injury may not be visible from the outside. There can be higher chances of getting an internal injury, as you may not know how badly, you have been hurt. By seeking medical attention and gathering medical reports, you will be able to get clear information. Also, these reports would be helpful to be used as evidence.

Step 2: Keep All the Evidence Close 

It is important to know that the more evidence you gather, the easier it will be to get justice in your favor. There are many ways you can gather evidence that can help you in crucial moments. Some of this evidence could be helpful in your case too. Check them out below.

Step 3: Reach Out to an Attorney 

Once the necessary evidence is gathered, you can reach out to a trusted personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale like ours at Kurzman Law Group With years of experience in handling hundreds of cases so far, we are highly dedicated to serving more people like you, and their families. 

As you consult with a professional, you will be assisted throughout the entire legal process, ensuring the best outcome is received.      

Step 4: Time to File a Claim 

When you choose to rely on a personal injury lawyer, they will help initiate a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider.

This will proceed to the step where the insurance provider will decide whether admitting the liability would be the right choice or rejecting it.

Step 5: Negotiating Settlement 

Once the insurance party accepts the liability, the settlement process will be preceded by a legal professional.

This would cover a range of aspects, including lost wages, medical bills, vehicle damage, and whatnot. If no settlement is reached, your legal professional might support you in taking the matter to court and rightfully getting the claim.

Step 6: Litigation 

Lastly comes the litigation process, which is supposed to happen in court. The lawyer will represent you in court and provide proof to back up the claims.

After this, the court would determine whether to grant an award for the damages that took place or pay a particular amount for them. When you give us the authority to file a claim on your behalf, we make sure that you receive only positive outcomes.

What Mistakes to Avoid After an Accident?

There are many mistakes anybody can make after an accident because people will not be in a settled state just after the catastrophe. However, here you get to know about such things so that you can try to avoid making such mistakes. If you can avoid those, it will help you during the claim. Also, it will be helpful for the personal injury lawyer Fort Lauderdale to file the claim. Check below and make sure you don’t fall short of any of these.

  • As it is usually common for the victims to apologize, make sure that you do not do so. If it is not your fault, refrain from saying sorry.
  • Make sure to get medical attention right away, as you may never know how badly you have been hurt.
  • Do not hesitate to involve the police and call one right away after the accident. Make sure that you are the first one to do so, especially if you are a victim. Also, write down a report as the incident is fresh.
  • Make sure that you are not making any settlements soon unless your attorney says so.
  • Avoid giving any written statement or any form of recorded statement to the insurance provider until your attorney allows you to do so.                   

The Final Step- Don’t Forget to Pick the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

It can be very difficult to deal with an unfortunate incident, like an accident. But what can sum it all up is when you choose the right personal injury lawyer who understands both the ins and outs of the claim. It should be someone who helps you get a fair deal. With such requirements, you can come to us at Kurzman Law Group, a law firm with an award-winning journey and decades of experience. Through expertise and knowledge, we focus on helping you regain your financial stability and confidence to get back to a normal life in no time.

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