Fort Lauderdale Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Fighting For Fair Compensation For The Seriously Injured
The consequences of a catastrophic injury can reach far into your future and deeply affect you and your family. You will likely need extensive, long-term medical care and possibly assistance or accommodations to complete tasks associated with daily living. If your injuries are due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, you have the right to bring a legal claim against them for the damages you’ve suffered. Unfortunately, due to the high dollar amounts associated with catastrophic injury claims, insurance companies spend a lot of time and resources fighting them. You need a skilled lawyer who will fight just as vigorously for you. Kurzman Law Group can provide the strong representation you need. We will work to recover full compensation for your losses, which can offer you and your family a brighter, more hopeful future. Contact us for a free, no-obligation case evaluation to discuss your legal options: 954-406-6464.
How Is A Catastrophic Injury Defined?
- Amputations or loss of limb function
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Spinal cord injuries, including paraplegia and quadriplegia
- Severe or widespread burns
- Chronic organ damage
- Sudden vision or hearing loss stemming from an accident
What Incidents Can Cause A Catastrophic Injury?
- Auto accidents, such as being struck by a drunk driver.
- Premises liability accidents.
- Bus and commercial vehicle accidents.
- Motorcycle wrecks.
- Pedestrian accidents.
- Bicycle accidents.
- Defective product accidents.
- Workplace accidents
- Heavy equipment incidents.
- Medical malpractice.
- Construction accident involving being struck by falling objects.
- Nursing home abuse or negligence.
- Dog bite accidents
How Does A Catastrophic Injury Change Your Life?
How Is Liability Determined For A Catastrophic Injury?
- The defendant owed you a duty of care.
- They breached that duty of care.
- The violation of the duty of care directly caused your injuries.
- The defendant should have foreseen that their actions could cause harm.
- Your injuries have caused a significant financial loss.
What Is Florida’s Statute Of Limitations On Catastrophic Injuries?
Missing the filing deadline will almost certainly result in the court refusing to hear your case. However, some rare situations will “toll” or pause the statute of limitations countdown. If you have concerns about whether you are still eligible to file a catastrophic injury claim, contact our knowledgeable lawyers at Kurzman Law Group for a free case evaluation today.
What Damages Can Be Recovered In A Catastrophic Injury Case?
The insurance company may use this to its advantage by offering a quick settlement that is convenient for paying your current expenses but is much less than your claim is worth. Accepting a lowball settlement can set you up for future challenges and prevent you from seeking further compensation for your injuries. To protect your legal rights for financial recovery, consult a catastrophic injury lawyer before signing any settlement agreement.
- Current medical expenses and hospital bills.
- Lost wages
- Loss of future earning capacity due to permanent disability.
- Property replacement or repair.
- Counseling expenses.
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation bills.
- Costs for ongoing medical care.
- In-home services or nursing expenses.
- Accessibility upgrades to your home and vehicles.
- Pain and suffering.
- Mental anguish.
- Loss of life’s enjoyment.
- Scarring and disfigurement.
What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You?
After a catastrophic injury, you need to focus all your energy on healing and spending time with your loved ones. You shouldn’t have to waste precious time arguing with insurance companies who are not concerned with your best interests. The capable lawyers at Kurzman Law Group can handle all aspects of your case and help you recover a full settlement for the injuries you’ve suffered. Your catastrophic injury claim is too important to leave to chance. Call our law firm today to schedule a free consultation with a skilled personal injury lawyer who will fight to secure the compensation you and your family deserve: 954-406-6464 .