What Does a Torn Neck Muscle Feel Like?
How is the Pain Associated With a Torn Muscle Commonly Described? When a muscle is torn, there is i…
Should I Get an MRI if I Have Whiplash?
Any accident that causes your neck and spine to move suddenly and forcefully in one direction can re…
Should I Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident That Wasn’t My Fault?
Sometimes you can do everything right yet still be involved in a car accident. In a situation like t…
Who Will Fix My Car After the Accident?
One of the most commonly asked questions amongst my clients is “Who will fix my car after the acci…
What to Do Immediately Following a Car Accident
If you get in a car accident, the first thing you do is to call 911 for police and medical help. Onc…
What Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Why Do I Need It?
As you all know, I concentrate exclusively on motor vehicle accidents. I’ve seen countless car acc…
What Does “no Fault” Auto Insurance Mean?
As a personal injury attorney, I come across numerous clients that have absolutely no idea about wha…
Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident?
We all slip or trip and fall at some point in our life. Some of those accidents happen due to our ca…
Deadlines for Filing an Injury Lawsuit in Florida
If you were injured in a car accident, you can sue the person or entity responsible for your injury….
Back & Neck Pain After a Car Accident
Car accidents cause various types of injuries with the most common being back and neck injuries….
Law Day 60th Anniversary
This month we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Law Day. On May 1, 1958, President Eisenhower procla…